Physical Health and Environment.

Physical Health

Technically, I’m not overly unhealthy. But there are a lot of things that I need to improve about my physical health.

For example, I have bad eating habits (which include frequent snacking, large portion sizes, and regular trips to cafes and fast food places), and I rarely exercise.

I would like to pick up an exercise habit. I would even like to achieve a vaguely toned body. But I also want to build my strength and stamina as they are both incredibly poor.

I have in the past attempted an exercise routine of sorts. My biggest challenge at the moment is that I am not particularly confident in having other people see me exercise, which becomes tricky when I live with my parents, and the only space I have for exercise is either in public, or in my own back garden.

But I really need to just get over it. Easier said than done, but I’m never going to get it done if I keep saying that I’ll do it another time.

As for my eating habits, I need to start preparing lunches to take to work. But that always seems like so much hassle. I know that it is better to prepare food in the evening so that I don’t have to rush in the morning, but then I can’t be bothered in the evening so I just don’t do it at all.

That is a big habit that I need to pick up. It’s something that I can do nearly every night, so it should be easier to build that habit. And I don’t have to do it immediately before bed, I could do it after dinner, and then have the evening to relax.

I just need to find a way that I can fit new habits into my lifestyle to suit me.


So, my current living situation:

I live with my parents and older brother (who might be moving out soon idk). I have a reasonable sized room (especially considering that it’s the third bedroom), but it’s almost always a mess.

Personally I would prefer to have a separate space just for sleeping, and spend the rest of my time in a home office or something, but we just don’t have the space. Maybe one day when I have my own place.

Basically, I only have a small section of the house that I have to keep tidy, but I can’t always seem to do it, and I honestly believe that the clutter and mess in my room has a big effect on my productivity and mindset.

When my room is a total mess, I take my laptop to my bed instead of using my desk. Then I don’t tend to do anything that is particularly productive. Honestly, I’d like to have a bigger desk, but that’s not really feasible. My bedroom is completely full, and I have no space for any more furniture of any kind.

A solution would be to maintain a tidy bedroom, then I could be more product, work towards getting a better job/lifestyle, save up to leave home, and then get my own space where I can do what I want how I want to do it. But that is going to take some time.

All in all, I have a very long way to go when it comes to improving my life. I know that leaving home isn’t my only option to self improvement, but I truly believe that it would be a big help (if only I could afford it).

In the meantime, I need to put a huge effort into getting a new job which pays better so that I can afford the future that I want. I need to take the time to work on self-improvement, and building positive habits. I need to stop wasting time playing games on my phone instead of applying for jobs or reading my books. I need to stop blaming my situation and take action towards changing it.

There is so much that I want to do, and so much that I can do in order to make myself a better person, and to live the life I want to achieve. I will be difficult, and it will take ages. But I know that it will be worth it.

Until next time…

Love, Bobbi. Xx.

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