Thinking About Moving…

For a while now I’ve been thinking about getting a new job. But I’m not too sure where to start.

Part of me feels that I should go for something like admin because it will add new skills to my cv, and isn’t too different from retail (it’s still customer service based, and doesn’t necessarily require extra qualifications).

But I’ve also been considering trying to get a job abroad. A couple of obvious jobs would be teaching English as a foreign language or an au pair. I like the idea of living abroad because it would be a completely new fresh start to my life, with an opportunity to meet completely different people in a very different culture to my own.

I also want to learn languages, and living abroad could really benefit that. I have been trying to learn languages online for a while, but I feel that it would be a real confidence boost if I could use it with people who are fluent, and just be surrounded by the language all the time.

I just don’t know how to start with finding a new job, especially if I want a job abroad.

I’ve been looking at jobs on jobsites, but I don’t feel that any of them really suit what I want. It’s also tricky to find jobs inn foreign countries, because I don’t really have experience using foreign languages and I don’t know what sort of jobs would be available to someone who can only speak English in a country that might not predominantly speak English.

I don’t know. I’ve just been having thoughts going around my mind for a while, and I didn’t know what to do with them.

I’ve signed up to an au pair website, but I have no idea if it will go anywhere.

I suppose this is just going to take a lot of time an research, and I really shouldn’t expect anything to happen before the end of the year.

Just Thoughts.

I just got a call from a recruitment agency to offer me a job. But it wasn’t for anything that I’m interested in.

I went on YouTube, and one of the recommended videos was about advice for starting a business.

I never like Business Studies class in school. I didn’t like the teacher. I didn’t pay attention. But part of me feels like maybe it’s something that I need to consider. I don’t have anything to sell, I just want to be my own boss, and really feel that I’m earning everything that I get.

I just don’t know how to get there.

Most of the lifestyle advice videos I watch online are from entrepreneurs who are talking about how they changed their lives by starting businesses. Part of me wishes I could be like those people. But I have no idea how or where to start. I have nothing to sell. I don’t feel that I’m good enough at anything to make a living out of it.

For years I wanted to be a writer. I studies Creative Writing at university for three years, but it was a terrible three years, although not due to the course. I had a shitty time and I still seem to associate that with writing, and I think that’s why I don’t really do much writing anymore.

I just couldn’t give it enough of my time or energy because I was too busy hating my life and not able to deal with my personal shit for long enough to really learn and understand what it is to be a writer.

Perhaps I need to develop myself before I develop ideas for my career. But I need to be earning more money in order for me to completely change my life. Generally I feel as though my life won’t begin until I can afford to leave home, and can finally live alone.

There is also this deep feeling inside me that tells me I haven’t learned enough, that I don’t have enough qualifications (or good enough qualifications) to start my own business. Like I said before, I never paid attention in business studies classes, so honestly I don’t really know the first things about where to start..

And I know that technically I don’t need to be the creator of a product to be able to start a business, but I need something. I need something to sell, even if it’s not a physical object. I need a skill or some kind of knowledge that others will want. But I have nothing.

I still like the idea of starting a business though.

I see people all over the internet talking about their businesses, and I feel like I’m meant to see it. I’m meant to feel this pull towards starting a business. This urge to make something of myself.

I don’t know. I don’t want to sound like a total arsehole, but I’ve always felt as though I was supposed to get somewhere in life, like I’m meant to be important in some way. I’m not suggesting I have a god complex or something, but then again, maybe I do. I don’t know. I just feel a pull towards a meaningful life, a life where I’m meant to matter to people. I just want to matter.

This has become more depressing than I had planned, but I still think that entrepreneurship is something that I want to consider for my future. I just don’t know when or how it will happen.

I guess this is just something that I need to think on a little more.

Until next time,

love Bobbi. Xx.