With a New Job Comes the Need For New Habits.

Even though I’m always talking about starting new habits (at least in my mind, if not with anyone else), I never actually manage to change my habits.

I’ll be starting a new job on Monday, and I need to create some habits to go with it. Well, I will need new daily habits for this job, but I will need to try to start them beforehand so that they will come more easily.

I don’t know if I’m explaining this right…

I want to already have the habits by the time I start my new job. That’s what I meant. And I know that will be rather difficult. It’s almost impossible to start (and maintain) habits in just one week, but I can at least try to plan and organise them.

With the start of this new job I will need to be getting up at around 0530 each morning. That might be a bit of a shock to the system, and I may find that I don’t really need to be up until about 0600 or 0630 once I get in the rhythm of travelling to this job. But either way, that is still far earlier that I tend to get up to work in the shop.

That one will certainly be tricky, but getting up at a regular time every day will surely do wonders for my mental health. I certainly noticed it was easier to control my moods over the Christmas season when I was basically doing the same shift every single day.

Another good habit I will need to pick up is preparing packed lunches every night before bed. I can’t be wasting money on food (especially at London prices) when I’m already spending more on travel that I do currently.

Also, I want to try to avoid unhealthy food if I can. I don’t mind maybe having a sweet snack each day, but I don’t want the greasy, awful food they sell in fast food places. At least if I prepare myself lunches then I won’t be tempted to buy food while I’m at work.

Those are the two main habits that I’ve thought of so far, but there are probably a whole bunch more.

Obviously with the getting up early come the going to bed early as well. I’ll just need to sort out some kind of routine for each morning and evening that will allow me to cope with the tiredness and everything.

I’ll also need to fit in time for studying since I’m training for a qualification as part of this job.


Until next time…

Love Bobbi. Xx.

Big Life Change.


Saturday morning I officially handed in my resignation at the shop!

I still can’t quite believe it. I’m finally leaving. And what’s better is that I’m leaving to do a full time job which will include training, and that will set me on the path to an actual career!.

Haha. I feel so grown up saying that I’m starting a career.

I will be taking up the role of Nursery Assistant in a nursery and pre-school in west London.

I’m so thrilled. I know that the commuting will probably be utter poop, and the job itself will be exhausting. But I think it’s also going to be rewarding as heck, and it’s going to involve so much training that will just help me to build up skills.

It is just going to do so much good for me career-wise that I can over-look how tired I’m going to be from early mornings and long hours. Not to mention five days a weeks chasing children all over the place.

I don’t yet know if I’m going to be stationed with a particular age group, or if I’ll be drifting between them. That’s something that I’m going to just have to wait and see. I’m happy to work with any age group there.

Even though I’ve had a trial morning and been told quite a lot about the place, I’m still not particularly sure what to expect.

I think that the worst thing about the job will be changing nappies, but I’m sure that will just be some insignificant thing that I do every day. Once I’ve done it a few times I’m sure I won’t even think twice about what I’m doing.

The thing that I think I’m most concerned about is if any of the parents have a problem with me. I don’t expect that they will… but what if they do? I’m sure my new colleagues will help me out. They’ll train me well, and they’ll talk to the parents about how I’m just training. As long as I make sure the children are safe there can’t be too much harm done. 🙂

Now I’m just rambling because I have so many thoughts running through my head at the moment. Maybe I’ll write a more coherent post once I’ve experienced a few days at my new job. Haha. I start next Monday, and I’m so excited (part of me still forgets that I’ve still got to work at the shop for this week).

Until next time…

Love Bobbi. Xx.