So far this year…

This post is just a quick summary of how things are going so far this year. We’re nearly three weeks into 2020, and things are pretty good so far.

This week I’ve had a fairly bad cold after only just getting over my previous cold. The joys of working with small children is when they sneeze in your face, and then you have to suffer a cold for ages. I wasn’t impressed. Haha. On Monday this week TWO children sneezed on me, and five days later I still feel like crap.

But mostly things have been positive so far. Most week days I have been getting up at 0530 and putting on make up before leaving the house (I didn’t wear make up to work at all last year). I go lots of positive comments for my make up, but this week what with not feeling my best I stayed in bed a little bit longer instead of doing my make up. But I think I needed the rest.

I am rather pleased with myself for getting up earlier though. I’m going to try moving my wake up time a little bit earlier over the next month or so I think, once I have my full energy back. Then I might be able to get more done in the mornings, maybe drink coffee and read a book. But I’m not too fussy about that at the moment, so long as I’m not running late all the time like I had been for a while before Christmas.

I am also doing much better at staying up to date with my Bullet Journal. In the past I had updated it maybe once per week. When I first started using my bujo I was somewhat obsessed with it, and HAD to do it every night before bed. Maybe I can start introducing it again as part of my night routine (which I haven’t started working on just yet).

On the other hand, I haven’t been doing so well with my reading progress as I had hoped. Today I finished my first book of the year (which I had started before Christmas). The book was The Well of Ascension, which is the second book in the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. I really enjoyed that book, but it was about 760 pages. But I still don’t think it should have taken me almost a month to read. I found it kind of slow going at the beginning, but after a couple of hundred pages into it, the action and drama got more intense. So the past week I have been reading at least fifty pages every day.

I want to be able to read fifty to a hundred pages every day, and having a long commute to work every day does help with that, but when I’m tired or if the book isn’t holding my attention too well then I really struggle to focus. So that is something I want to work on for a while.

I’m also going to try reading some graphic novels and listening to some audiobooks as much as I can to try to catch up. If I want to reach my reading goal for this year then I’m going to have to complete about eight or nine books each month. That’s going to be really difficult considering I mostly don’t even complete three to five books each month. But I can work on it, and in time I will improve. I just need a strategy and consistency. ๐Ÿ™‚

Also, I haven’t done any sewing yet this year. Honestly, I’d like to have time at home alone to do sewing, but that’s not something that’s likely to happen for a while. So I’m either going to have to get on with it with my parents around, or just keep putting it off for a while, which is more likely. Haha.

However I have been writing in my journal a few times so far. I probably haven’t been writing in it as much as I had wanted to at the beginning of the month, but I can solve that quite easily.

There are still plenty of my 2020 goals that I want to work on (see my 2020 goals post for the full list). But there is plenty of time for all of that. If I can get on well with a few of my goals at the beginning of the year then it will be easier for me to pick up the others in time. Things haven’t gone too badly so far, and I’m quite please with how positive I feel at the moment.

I want to continue working towards getting up early, and getting more reading done. I think those are my two main focuses at the moment. I have also been keeping better track of my finances this year. I’m even keeping within my budget for January. Haha. I have spent far less money on coffees from cafes, and have had packed lunches nearly every day at work, and that does so much good for my bank account. Lol.

Anyways, I think that’s all I have to say for now.

Love Bobbi. Xx.

Thirty Before Thirty.

I didn’t want this to be an extra long post (unlike my last one). So this one is just going to be a list. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. Long-term relationship
  2. Live alone
  3. Complete my qualification in childcare
  4. Have at least one child
  5. Have an exercise routine that I can maintain
  6. Holiday with my bestie
  7. Have a pet (never had a pet before. Lol.)
  8. Have xx amount in the bank (don’t want to share for obvious reasons)
  9. Live abroad for at least a few months
  10. Read 100 books within one year
  11. Learn to speak Spanish well enough to hold a reasonable conversation
  12. Visit Australia
  13. Maintain a blog for a year (wink wink, here we go)
  14. Visit New York
  15. Have a maintainable morning routine
  16. Complete a 30 day challenge
  17. Visit Japan (so much travelling lol)
  18. Become confident at sewing clothes
  19. Go on a reading retreat (to a secluded cabin or something)
  20. Go to another concert
  21. Go to archery lessons
  22. Get ice skating lessons
  23. Go rock climbing
  24. Own a car
  25. Have a campfire
  26. Have a job within walking distance of my home
  27. Grow a vegetable garden
  28. Have a full wall of bookshelves
  29. Set up a beauty area / vanity
  30. Complete a 24 in 48 readathon

I know that I might be able to combine some of these (probably reading retreat, 24 in 48, holiday with bestie, and campfire) which will make it easier for me to complete them. However, I am also aware that more than half of these are going to cost quite a lot of money.

A large part of me is not expecting to complete some of these, but I really want to try to work towards them. Honestly, if I can reach 20 of these then I’ll be over the moon.

Anyway, I don’t want to ramble on too much this time, so I’ll sign off now. ๐Ÿ™‚

Love Bobbi. Xx.