How I Plan to Change My Life.

I have been on this blog for about a month now, and I feel as though I haven’t made all that much improvement to my life. It’s not as though I expected everything to change overnight, because I knew that this would be a long, and probably arduous journey, but I had hoped that I would at least have seen some mild change, or taken a few steps in some direction whether or not it’s the right direction.

However, I still seem to be exactly where I was when I started, only a little more annoyed about it.

So I have decided to work on more of a plan of action. I found seven categories of my life that I need to work on, and from there I can find more detailed ways of working on each of these over time.

The Categories:

  • Appearance
  • Mindset
  • Occupation
  • Hobbies
  • Routines
  • Physical health
  • Environment/Living Space

I think I will write separate posts for each one as they could become a little lengthy. But this is just the foundation of my plans. 🙂

Until next time…

Love Bobbi. Xx.

Recent Little Changes.

Recently I’ve noticed that I am not operating to my full potential when it comes to productivity. So there are some small changes that I’ve decided to implement in an attempt to change this.

At the moment I am trying to read a non-fiction book as well as a fiction book so that I can learn something new alongside reading for entertainment. However, not long after starting my non-fic book, I decided that it wasn’t super interesting. I still want to read it, but I’ve had to rethink how I go about it.

I’ve decided that the best way to get through it is to read one chapter each day. This means that I’m reading between about 17 and 28 pages per day. Boring things are more tolerable in small doses. Lol. So I should complete this first non-fiction book within eleven days. Therefore, if I miss a day, then I have to read more the following day in order to catch up.

Another small change that I would like to inhabit is to tidy my bedroom, and maintain a tidy environment. I have never been a particularly tidy person, and sometimes my mental health prevents me from having any willingness to do anything about it.

However, I have been noticing that when my room is messy I’m less likely to sit at my desk, and more likely to sit on my bed, which often results in a nap. So I need to spend an hour or so tidying my bedroom properly, and then schedule in maybe ten to fifteen minutes each evening to tidy up my space. This way it shouldn’t get out of hand again.

A second part of maintaining a tidy bedroom is staying on top of my laundry. The problem is that I own enough clothes to not need to do too many washes in a week. But then I get an over-flowing laundry basket, which just gets in the way. I really need to get in the habit of staying on top of it, which can be a problem when I live with three other people who each need to do their own laundry. We don’t really have the space to have it all hanging up to dry.

The final change is one that I probably mention in every other post is my sleeping habits. Over Christmas I was doing the early shift at work, which meant that I had to get up at 0500 five mornings per week. I was discussing this with my mother the other day, and we both agreed that I had much better mental health during that time. Unfortunately I am not able to do early shifts at work for most of the year. Nevertheless, waking up earlier in the mornings could potentially make a big difference to my mood and the management of my mental health.

The biggest difficulty with this isn’t my habit for staying in bed late, nor my habit for napping during the day. The problem is that most of the time I have to do the closing shift at work, so most nights I don’t get home until 2030, and at least one night I don’t get home until after 2200. This means that it’s difficult for me to get to bed early and therefore get a decent night sleep, which makes it nearly impossible to wake up even at 0800.

So I think I will need to take some time to think over this last change, because I think waking up early can make the most significant change out of all of these habits.

In the short term, I am going to be trying to encourage myself to read more, and tidy my bedroom frequently. I may struggle with getting up early, but it’s something I can work towards, although it would probably be convenient to get a job that allows early morning.

Booting the Bad Habits.

One major bad habit that I’ve picked up recently (because of the change in my work schedule over christmas), was that I hadn’t been doing my night routine. Instead I’ve mostly just been collapsing on top of my bed, fully dressed, wrapped in a blanket.

And I know this isn’t good for me, but I keep telling myself that I’m just too tired to bother with a night routine that takes about half an hour.

Now maybe I should just try to get my routine done in less time, but then I have to move faster, which gives me more energy and wakes me up. So, again, I’ve just been telling myself that I shouldn’t bother.

But now that I’m back to doing my old, shorter shifts at work I feel that I should be rebuilding that habit that I initially only started due to my OCD.

My OCD tells me that I need to be clean enough to get into my bed, which is why I’ve been too lazy to get ready for bed most nights.

So, every night I have to:

  • wash hands, brush teeth, wash hands
  • change out of day clothes, put on clean underwear
  • go back to the bathroom, wash hands again
  • wash hair, wash hands, tie up hair
  • wash arms/armpits
  • wash face, neck, ears
  • open door, turn off light, wash hands
  • back to my room to moisturise and put on pj’s
  • and finally into bed and sleep

So that does take me a bit of time. And it may well be true that I’d be done a lot faster if I just have a shower instead of faffing about washing a third of my body, but in my head I tell myself that it won’t.

In any case, the main point is that I just need to get back into a routine that will allow me to get into bed properly to allow for a better night sleep. Therefore I am going to encourage myself to ignore that last bit of tiredness and just do the routine anyway. I might even be smart about things and start getting ready for bed earlier. That would be a novelty in itself.

I guess we just have to see how it goes.

Until next time…

Love Bobbi. Xx.


New year; new me… Or something along those lines.

Okay, so we’re a week into the year already, but because my mum works in a school and only went back to work today, this is the day our family’s healthy eating has begun.

More importantly, today I had the day off work, and was home alone, so I decided to exercise. It may have just been about twenty minutes doing a home workout in my back garden, but as someone who doesn’t have a regular exercise routine I’m still proud of myself. 🙂

Also, I’m now going to be working afternoons/evenings for the foreseeable future, which means I can’t start getting up early with the purpose of having time to exercise early in the day while other people aren’t around to make me feel uncomfortable about it.

On the not so positive side, I went out and bought some new workout clothes today. I probably spend too much, which is the bad news, but on the other hand I now have an extra cute outfit to wear for tomorrow’s workout. Haha.

I’m definitely using the excuse of the new year to change up my habits and lifestyle. I had been trying to reduce the amount of spending, but with several family and friends’ birthdays coming up in the next month, I ended up spending quite a bit of money this week already.

Oh dear.

On the other hand, I shouldn’t need to do that much spending for a while now.

Until next time…

Love Bobbi. Xx.

2019 Reading Plans.

Every year I write myself a list of reading goals for the coming year. These aren’t strict rules, but more of a guideline for things that I would like to achieve, and reminders for specific books that I want to read or re-read.

So these are some of the ideas that I have already come up with for 2019.

  1. not re-reading Harry Potter. – I know this may not really seem like a goal, but every year I seem to attempt reading it in varying amounts of time, and I can never read it fast enough, or I don’t have the attention span for the whole series in one go. I tend to find it just takes up a lot of time which I would rather spend reading new books, or re-reading something that I don’t know as well as Harry Potter.
  2. reading 70 books. – this year I had the goal to read 50 books in the year. I have nearly reached that now, and I think, even though this is the first time I’ve managed to read that many books in one year, I would like to challenge myself even more. I’m hoping that within a few years I’ll be able to read 100 books in one year.
  3. read five classics. – I’ve hardly read any classics other than the ones that I had to read in school, so I don’t really know if they are my thing, but I have a few of the nice classics in Penguin covers, and I feel like I should read them sooner or later. There’s got to be a reason why they are classics, and I would like to form my own opinions about those books.
  4. read the Throne of Glass series. – a few years ago I read the Throne of Glass book, but never got to any of the sequels. I don’t really remember much about the book, maybe a little bit about the end, but not in much detail. But loads of people online have said that they really enjoy the series, and I think I would like to have another go at getting into it. From what I can remember it took me a really long time to get through the first book, which might be why I have been putting off re-reading it. It could have just been during a reading slump, or maybe it’s the book, but I should try reading the book again in order to find out.
  5. re-read The Book Thief. – I think I read this book last year, and it was the first time I read it. I loved the book so much. I really had a strong emotional connection to it. I’d just love to experience that story again.
  6. re-read The Raven Cycle quartet. – I have read this series a couple of times, and I love it so much. I’m really trying to encourage one of my friends to read it, so maybe we can buddy-read it or something. I just think it’s such a well-written series. I love Stiefvater’s characters, they just feel so human, it’s absolutely beautiful. I haven’t read the series this year, so I think I might go back to it (although I’m not sure because I kind of know the story quite well, and I don’t want to get bored with it).
  7. read more graphic novels. – I bought several graphic novels this year because I wanted to experiment with that format, but I hardly read any of them, so I really want to put more intention into reading them next year.

That’s all I have come up with so far. I might add a few more before the end of the year, but I think that is quite enough to be getting on with.

Until next time…

Love Bobbi. Xx.

For The Most Part…

For the most part I have been pretty okay with getting up at 0500 recently. I haven’t been getting up that early on my days off, but nearly every work day last week I was getting up at five.

Today, however, I really struggled to wake up. It’s probably just because I didn’t get ready for bed properly last night, I just collapsed on top of my bed wrapped in blankets. But I honestly found it difficult to get out of bed this morning.

I think tonight I’m going to start preparing myself for bed a bit earlier, and try to get a decent sleep. Then it might be easier for me to wake up tomorrow morning.

I really think that waking up at 0500 five times a week will help me to get a property habit. It’s just a shame that I can’t seem to get myself up at that time on days when I don’t need to be up that early.

Anyway, so long as I keep trying my best it will all be worth it (or so I keep telling myself).

Until next time…

Love Bobbi. Xx.

Nearly One Week In.

I have been waking up at 0500 for most of the week so far. Monday was my first day, and it went perfectly fine. I actually quite enjoyed it that morning. So I was optimistic about the rest of the week.

I can’t remember if I mentioned in my previous post, but on Sunday I got a sunrise alarm clock. This really helped me with waking up, especially on Monday. I think I might have moved my clock slightly on Monday evening because the light from the clock woke me up on Monday morning around 0445, before my alarm sounded. Whereas on Tuesday and Thursday I woke up to the alarm sound.

On Wednesday I didn’t need to get up so early, so I didn’t get up until around 0730. So that was a bit of a disappointment, but I probably needed the sleep.

Likewise, today is my day off, so I got to sleep in later than I should have done… I didn’t get up until 1140. I know that sounds bad, but I had stayed up until past midnight last night, when I had been going to bed between 2130 and 2300 the previous nights. So clearly I was shattered this morning.

Tomorrow I need to get up at 0500 again, which it not great for a Saturday, but needs must. I don’t think it will be a problem, because when I know that I need to get up that early, I don’t really struggle too much.

Next week, however, is likely to be a problem. I am covering the closing shifts every night. This means that I probably won’t be finishing work until 2030 most nights (maybe 2130 on Thursdays because of late night shopping). Therefore I won’t be going to bed until reasonably late, so I won’t be getting up particularly early at all.

But after that I believe that I’m doing early morning shifts up until Christmas. Hopefully two months of getting up at 0500 will trigger a new habit… But I’m not going to count on it, especially when I’ll probably be going back to afternoon/evening shifts after Christmas.

In any case, I think these early mornings will do me some good, even if it only lasts for eleven and a half weeks.

Until next time…

Love Bobbi. Xx.

Deep Breath In. Hold. Slow Release.

As you may have noticed, I haven’t really been using this blog as much as I had planned. I guess it’s just one other habit that I need to create.

Anyway, let’s just accept that so far I have failed at being productive, an early riser, and a generally healthy person. So I’m trying to think things over, and I’m going to see what I an do differently this time that will help me towards success.

Over the past couple of days I have been planning out a weekly schedule for myself. It’s tricky for me to do something like this because my work rota changes each week, which means that my whole schedule will have to be different each week.

The main thing that I’m trying to instill with this schedule is going to bed and getting up at the same time each day, and also having proper morning and evening routines.

I know it will take me a while to be able to fully perform the schedule each day, and I know that I always say that I know new habits will be difficult to create and repeat. I just want to add some structure to my life. I think that would really help me to become more productive.

I don’t know. I have so many ideas for how I want to change myself, but I don’t actually know if I have the capability to pull it off. I have a lot of self-doubt, especially about anything that can improve my life.

I suppose at first there is going to be some trial and error whilst arranging a reasonable schedule, especially one that won’t take much tweaking each week. I guess the only thing I can really do now is test it out and take note on what works, and what doesn’t.

So I’m just going to take a deep breath, and try my best. All I can do is learn.

Until next time…

Love Bobbi. Xx.

Challenge Time.

I have decided that I am going to set myself a challenge during the month of September.

I have always struggled with getting up early in the morning, and it doesn’t matter how much I tell myself that I need to sort it out, I never seem to do anything about it.


During the month of September 2018, I am going to get up at 0700 every morning.

That may not seem particularly early to a lot of people, however, as someone who regularly stays in bed until almost lunch time, this is going to be a big change for me.

Over the past couple of weeks I went away with my parents and we were going to bed around ten or eleven every night, and getting up between seven and nine each day.

I genuinely don’t remember what time I used to wake up before I went away. I just don’t remember that far back. But I know that I don’t have a regular time to wake up. It changes every single day.

I have done a lot of research online about how to get up early, and ways to help wake yourself up. Most places had pretty much the same advice: put the alarm clock across the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off, drink a glass of water in the morning to help you wake up, exercise first thing, have a filling breakfast, go to bed early…

Now these tips are all well and good, but I’m the kind of person who will get up, turn off the alarm, then get back into bed. I don’t even bother with snooze, which is perhaps worse. It doesn’t keep waking me up mid- sleep cycle, but it doesn’t wake me up at all. I just stay in bed until I decide that I need to get up.

For the most part I work afternoons, so I don’t even need to get up until lunch time. This perhaps makes it more difficult for me, because I don’t have a reason to get out of bed in the mornings. This really bothers me because I want to be productive, I want to be happier, I want to get my life together, but I can’t seem to do any of that when I waking up between 1100 and 1330 every day.

My current lifestyle isn’t getting me anywhere, and I really want to make this change. So I’m determined to make this happen this month. This will be my first real steps to becoming a new and better version of myself. And I will do my best to keep you updated on my journey.

Until next time…

Love Bobbi. Xx.